Airman 1st Class Cartney Jean McRaven, 19, had returned from a four-month deployment in Haiti two weeks before the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. Four days before the bombing, on April 15, she married Senior Airman Anthony Shane McRaven. The couple was planning a large formal wedding in December. On the morning of April 19, McRaven was in the Social Security office at the Murrah building, reporting her name change. McRaven was a native of Watertown, SD. She was a member of the 3rd Combat Communications Group, 32nd Combat Communications Squadron. She and her husband were both stationed at Tinker Air Force Base. The couple spent much of their spare time helping in a local Salvation Army soup kitchen. “We stand back in tears and disbelief and ask, ‘Why?'” said a press release issued by her unit.