Neither a heart attack suffered the year before nor the loss of his father could slow Robert Walker Jr. “He never slowed down,” said his wife, Judith Walker. “He was just so active, and he was really a wonderful man. I just wish everybody had had the chance to meet him.” Walker, 52, was a claims representative with the Social Security Administration, and his caring nature made a lasting impression on those he served, she said. The Walkers had been married for almost nine years, and both worked for the Social Security Administration. They were transferred to Oklahoma City from Albuquerque, NM, three years ago. It was a good fit, Judith Walker said. “We were in love with Oklahoma City.” Walker continued his long association with the Boy Scouts in Oklahoma City. An Eagle Scout and 46-year member of the organization, Walker served as Assistant District Commissioner of the Will Rogers District and Unit Commissioner for Troop 84. Walker also pursued an avid interest in computers.