She was the type of person “who kept the drawer full of candy,” said Cleveland County Sheriff Dewayne Beggs. Rona Linn Chafey, 35, had worked for Beggs as a dispatcher before being assigned duty as a secretary in the Federal Building about two years ago. Because of her proficiency, Beggs said her talents should be used by the Drug Enforcement Administration in Oklahoma City on a special task force. She was able to keep information confidential, and she was dedicated to her work. “She was a person who really liked her job. I never saw her without a smile. She was always up, very light and a kind person,” Beggs said. Chafey was a graduate of Bethany High School and had attended Oklahoma City Community College and Rose State College. She was a jovial person who did not mind pulling a few pranks on people sometimes. She was married to Raymond Chafey and their children were Misty Monet Chafey and Nicholas Brooks Chafey.