Teresa Alexander, 33. A wife and mother of three, Teresa Alexander was always on the go. Alexander, of Oklahoma City, had gone alone to the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building to get a Social Security card for her 8-month-old son Sean. She worked two full-time jobs: as a nurse’s assistant at Baptist Medical Center and as a pool supervisor at the Marriott Hotel. Still, she found time to be a Girl Scout leader and attend regular functions at St. Eugene Catholic Church with her husband, Martin, and their children, Michael, Latress, and Sean. Alexander’s sister, Marian Spears, said she also was involved in St. Eugene’s Catholic School. Dentist Stephen Chastain attended church with Alexander and knew the family well. He helped start the Teresa Alexander Family Assistance Fund. “Teresa was quiet, very humble, never said a bad word about anybody,” Chastain said.