Eight-month-old Tylor Eaves was just beginning to pull up on things. His grandmother, Gloria Eaves Hardin, thought he’d probably be walking by nine months, just like her daughter Miya, Tylor’s mother. Miya Eaves worked at Standard Life, just a few blocks from America’s Kids day-care center in the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. Tylor was just settling into the routine in the center, where he had started a week before the April 19 blast that took his life. “He was a happy baby,” Gloria Eaves recalled. “He was bossy and spoiled because he liked attention. He wanted to be able to see you all the time.” Tylor was a big, healthy baby, looking older than his 8 months. “He was just getting into his personality, and he could get anything he wanted from us,” Gloria Eaves said, adding that like his mother’s side of the family, he had beautiful grayish-green eyes.